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The relationship between economy and health is fundamental, as Minister Briones points out. Above all, if we want to achieve 5% growth in our GDP by 2021, as ECLAC forecasts, and correctly face the post-pandemic economy, which is projected to be weak for Chile, according to the World Economic Forum.


Let's not get confused. It is possible to absolutely reconcile the equation between the well-being of health and the possibility of work. Because, as the health authorities have said, 73% of the outbreaks originate in homes, or in social gatherings held in homes, hence the justification for carrying out quarantines on weekends and maintaining operations from Monday to Friday. The culprit is not the economy. The protocols of companies and public places are being complied with. I have personally verified it in the operations of industries, in logistics chains, hotels and airports.


However, there is one important aspect that is playing tricks on us: as citizens, in our private lives, are we complying with the protocols?  We have to consistently take charge of our actions, because they have a direct impact on the country's projections. Let us recognize that there are shared responsibilities. Does our unconscious betray us?


Let us be clear that -as Roger Scruton points out in his book Uses of Pessimism-, "freedom with discipline and sacrifice is essential" to get out of this crisis.

Francisco Ortuzar

Orca Business Consulting Partner

Original text in The Third

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